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The Rural Municipality


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Grand Tracadie would like your input.....

The Rural Municipality of Grand Tracadie is moving along in the process of restructuring with the municipalities of Pleasant Grove and North Shore and we are seeking feedback on the following items.....

1) Are the residents interested in an

A) electoral ward system (boundaries redrawn and representation from all the wards) or

B) An at-large system (where Council can be made up of any number of representatives from any of the areas)

2) Any suggestions of the name of the newly restructured area?

Council will be making a decision on these items at the next public meeting on March 20 at 7pm.

Please feel free to forward an email to

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Public Information Meeting March 6, 2018 6:30pm         

Financial Plan & Amalgamation Grand Tracadie Community Centre

March 20, 2018  7pm
May 15, 2018  7pm
July 17, 2018  7pm
September 18, 2018   7pm
November 20, 2018  7pm
all meetings are held at the Grand Tracadie Community Centre located at 16 Harbour Rd



Reinforcing our Commitment

The Rural Municipality of Grand Tracadie elects municipal council every four years.
The next election will be held in November 2018. Your Community Council Members are;
Mayor: Kim Meunier
Councillor: Roslyn Bain
Councillor: Tim Good
Councillor: Nancy MacKinnon
Councillor: Brenda Skerry
Councillor: Sydonia Skerry
Administrator: Kim Roberts



Service Subtitle

According to the 2016 Statistics Canada Census, the Community of Grand Tracadie 

has a population of 293 residents.
The municipality is located in Queens County in the central portion of Prince Edward Island, NW. of Mount Stewart, partly in PEI National Park. Its precise location is N 46°24', W 63°02'.

Emergency services for the community are provided by

Waste collection is provided province wide by Island Waste Management Corporation. 
Collections schedules and sorting guides are available on their website at

Municipal Elections are held every four years; the next election is the first Monday in November of 2018,

unless a by-election is needed. 
The Rural Municipality of Grand Tracadie is part of the Provincial Election District 8, Tracadie-Hillsborough Park
The district is currently represented by Speaker of the House Hon. Buck Watts. 
Federally, the community is part of the riding of Malpeque represented currently by the Hon. Wayne Easter.



Reinforcing our Commitment

Active Communities are smarter communities.

The Rural Municipality of Grand Tracadie aims to provide as many programs as possible throughout the year. The more popular programs has been our annual minor recreational ball program that is offered to youth between the ages of 4 - 12yrs. Other programs offered in the past included dance classes, art classes, and ball hockey.

For the adults the popular program especially during the winter months has been the Ladies Dart Program, the community has also lead other adult programs including Adult Recreational Softball Program. 

If you are interested in facilitating a program or would like to participate in one of our current programs please feel free to contact us. 



Creating Memories In Our Community

The Community offers a variety of activities throughout the year but the biggest event is our annual Canada Day Celebrations. The Community partners with with the Community of Pleasant Grove to provide a great day of free activity for the entire family, the night finishes with a fireworks celebration that is sure to be entertaining for all. The Community is always looking for volunteers to assist with events and programs.....get in touch with us now to put your name forward.

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Martin Luther

“Everything that is done in the world is done by hope”

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